"미국 외의 지역에서 촬영을 하게 되어 매우 들뜬 상태입니다. 훌륭한 배우인 주윤발과 같이 연기하게 되었고, 이전에 맡아왔던 캐릭터들과는 다른 캐릭터를 맡게 되어 흥분됩니다. 전 (부르마) 캐릭터가 아주 좋아요. 다른 이들과 어떤 즐거움을 같이 나눌 수 있을 것 같아 기대가 큽니다. 전 이 역할을 위해서 싸우는 방법이라던지, 총을 쏘거나, 다른 무기들을 사용하는 법, 격투기 등을 배웠어요. 실제 생활에서 전 일종의 평화주의자인데, 영화 속에서 그와는 좀 다른 캐릭터를 연기하게 된 것은 즐거운 일입니다. 모두들 건강하시고, 행복한 크리스마스, 새해 맞으세요."
아래는 에미 로섬이 올린 글의 전문입니다.
영화 "드래곤볼"은 주성치가 제작을 맡았으며, "데스티네이션 1,3"의 제임스 웡이 연출을 맡았습니다. 또한, "우주전쟁"의 저스틴 채트윈이 손오공, GOD의 박준형이 야무치, 에미 로섬이 부르마, 그리고 주윤발이 무천도사 역을 맡았습니다.Happy Everything!!!
Hi guys,
It's Christmas Eve so I finally have a moment to myself to sit down and write you! It's been such a busy year, with "Inside Out" and shooting a new movie, I am really thankful for everything I've been blessed with this year. I get to spend my holiday with my friends and family. Over the last few days, I've realized that life is so fragile. It's so beautiful and we really have to cherish every moment and live life to the fullest, so we never have to look back and say, "I could have" or "I should have"….
Sorry I've been rather quiet for a bit, I've been working on a very exciting new film that I'm shooting outside the US. I'm working with the great Chow Yun Fat and I'm very excited about the role, which is so different than any role I've ever played. I love the character and I'm excited to get to share something so fun with you. In prep for the film I've been training very hard, learning how to fight, fire a gun, weapons training and even some martial arts. It's fun to play such a different character when I am such a pacifist in real life. Speaking of pacifisim and peace, I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy holiday and New Year.
I think I've grown a lot this year, they say we get older and wiser (hopefully) every year. I'm 21 and starting to define my priorities and what I think is important in life. As of now I think the most important things are being with your friends and family, being kind and creating something you really love and believe in. I've been blessed this year with getting to create my first record (hopefully the first of many to come as I develop as a woman and as a musician) and I truly believe in what we created. I'm also thankful and excited to share this new film with you next year!
The other most important thing: family. Even though I don't have a big or "perfect" family (really what IS a perfect family? Does it even exist? Outside of the Pleasantville-style holiday season food commercials where "perfect" kids pass the cranberry sauce to their "perfect" parents while the tree sparkles in the background ;) I am grateful for what I DO have. I am lucky to be with my friends and family and share laughs and food. Really, what's better than the holiday season with friends, a fireplace and a box of Hershey's kisses??
If I could have one Christmas wish, it would be that everyone finds peace within themselves, and with the ones they love. I know the holidays can be a stressful time, what with trying to find the perfect gift for everyone and even preparing a meal for the whole family. Try to relax and enjoy the holiday and enjoy the company you have… or at the very least, try not to get into too many food fights!! ? Laugh and have fun and relax! It's been a great year! Here's to 2008!!!
Love Always,
영화 "드래곤볼"은 2008년 8월 15일 개봉예정입니다.
2007/12/16 - [Movie/News] - 에미 로섬, G.O.D 박준형, 영화 "드래곤볼"에 출연
2007/10/03 - [Movie/News] - "드래곤볼 Z" 실사영화화 된다!